Table of Contents
Strain your brain!
First things first! *
Strings can be tricky sometimes
Be careful with chained operations
How not to use
Slippery Slopes
Hash brownies
Deep down, we're all the same.
Disorder within order *
Keep trying... *
For what?
Evaluation time discrepancy
is not ...
is not is (not ...)
A tic-tac-toe where X wins in the first attempt!
Schrödinger's variable
The chicken-egg problem *
Subclass relationships
Methods equality and identity
All-true-ation *
The surprising comma
Strings and the backslashes
not knot!
Half triple-quoted strings
What's wrong with booleans?
Class attributes and instance attributes
yielding None
Yielding from... return! *
Nan-reflexivity *
Mutating the immutable!
The disappearing variable from outer scope
The mysterious key type conversion
Let's see if you can guess this?
Modifying a dictionary while iterating over it
The Hidden treasures!
The out of scope variable
Deleting a list item while iterating
Lossy zip of iterators *
Loop variables leaking out!
Beware of default mutable arguments!
Catching the Exceptions
Same operands, different story!
Name resolution ignoring class scope
Rounding like a banker *
Needles in a Haystack *
Splitsies *
Wild imports *
All sorted? *
Midnight time doesn't exist?
Okay Python, Can you make me fly?
Appearances are deceptive!
, but why?
Brace yourself!
Let's meet Friendly Language Uncle For Life
Even Python understands that love is complicated
Yes, it exists!
Ellipsis *
Let's mangle